Buccaneer Rodeo Hits First Spring Rodeo

Buccaneer Rodeo Hits First Spring Rodeo

DCC Rodeo traveled to Bozeman for their double header rodeo. 

Nick Ree and Chanse Switzer led the way for the men’s team in the first rodeo.  Placing 4th in the long round, 1st in the short round and getting 2nd in the average. 

Lady Buccaneers were led by Peyton Mullanix in the second rodeo placing 6th in long round of the team roping 2nd in the short round and 4th in the Average.  This put the Buccaneer women 3rd in the team race for rodeo number 2.  They changed up a lot of things about this weekend being outside, and adding a second short round.  Nick and Chanse took advantage of their draw, and roped smart.  Peyton actually stepped in for Bozeman’s Keenan Kvamme, who broke his leg on Saturday.  Her new partner, Ashley Koenig has decided to make the match up last through the spring.

DCC Rodeo heads to Miles City this Friday, April 16th at 6:00 PM. You can follow the team at DCC Rodeo’s Facebook Page.